Let’s Work Together!

The path to healing starts with telling your story…

Here’s how it works…

Initial Consultation

During your initial 90-minute consultation, we will do a deep-dive into your unique health history.

This initial consultation is all about you: where you’ve been and where you’d like to end up. 

Your initial consultation will include: 

  • A health timeline to determine when your symptoms began

  • A review of previous supplement or medication history

  • A review of previous lab work, if available

  • A holistic review of physical, mental, emotional, and environmental factors including stressful life events, diet, exercise habits, toxic environmental exposures, and current wellness practices

  • Next step recommendations including lab testing & wellness package options

You will leave your initial consultation with something to work on, so you can start integrating wellness practices into your life right away. 


After your Initial Consultation, together we will decide the next best step for you:


Nutrition Therapy Wellness Package

Nutrition Therapy Sessions

After the Initial Consultation, we now have a game-plan in motion to help restore your body back to balance. This package is designed to be the most comprehensive and cost-effective approach to providing you with all the support you need to stay the course!

  • 3 Pack or 5 Pack - 60min Sessions every 3-4 weeks, or modified to your personal needs.

  • 24/7 private portal access to view session notes, uploaded test results, shared recipes, and unlimited chat portal support

  • Unlimited chat support available to stay in touch between sessions

  • Individualized supplement and lab testing recommendations, if applicable

  • 10% discount on professional-grade supplements

  • Discounted pricing for bioenergetic services:

*Initial Consultation Session must be completed before purchasing Wellness Packages

BioEnergetic Wellness Package

Nutrition and Energy Healing Sessions

The combination of nutrition therapy and the bioenergetic practice of energy healing can create a synergistic effect, promoting holistic health by addressing both the physical and energetic aspects of well-being. This integrated approach may lead to enhanced vitality, improved emotional balance, and a deeper understanding of the body-mind connection. I believe that this comprehensive approach contributes to a more profound and sustained healing experience.

  • Four - 90min Sessions every 3-4 weeks, or modified to your personal needs.

  • Discounted pricing for additional bioenergetic services:

  • 24/7 private portal access to view session notes, uploaded test results, shared recipes, and chat portal support

  • Unlimited chat support available to stay in touch between sessions

  • Individualized supplement and lab testing recommendations, if applicable

  • 10% discount on professional-grade supplements

*Initial Consultation Session must be completed before purchasing Wellness Packages


Looking for Lab Testing?

We offer a variety of specialized lab testing to gather more data to help address your health concerns.


Additional Services

  • Single Nutrition Sessions | 30 or 60-minute sessions

  • Lab Testing | priced per test

  • Energy Healing | 60-minute sessions

  • Infrared Sauna Sessions | 30-60min sessions. Discounts for packages.

  • PEMF Mat Healing | 30-60min sessions. Discounts for packages.

 Are you ready to begin your personal journey to wellness?