Frequently Asked Questions


Can we work together remotely?

Yes! Appointments are available via phone or televideo for distance clients and local clients’ convenience. All lab kits can be shipped and completed in the comfort of your home (with the exception of a blood draw) and mailed back to the lab.

Do you take insurance?

Santé Health and Wellness is a cash-based practice and does not accept or bill insurance. Check with your provider to see if you can use your HSA or FSA card to pay for services, supplements, and lab testing.

Upon request, we will provide a receipt statement of your nutrition consulting services, lab testing, and supplement orders.

What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine is similar to a holistic approach to medicine. It considers the person as a whole and views the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected.

Rather than focusing on ways to suppress symptoms, functional medicine strives to find the underlying cause of imbalance and address the body’s deeper dysfunction(s).

Since each person is unique, functional medicine does not believe in a “one-size-fits all” approach. Instead, functional medicine practitioners work closely with their patients to achieve goals in a therapeutic partnership.

Functional medicine emphasizes the importance of preventative medicine and aims to optimize health rather than defining health by the absence of disease.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional nutrition is a component of functional medicine that views food as a fundamental part of health. It emphasizes the importance of nutrient-density and diversity to address imbalances in the body.

At Santé Health and Wellness, we are health detectives guided by functional medicine principles, and often use lab testing to identify the root causes of symptoms.

We believe that a healthy, balanced microbiome is essential to whole-body wellness and we prioritize identifying any imbalances in the GI tract, parasites/bacteria, inflammation, food allergies and intolerances.

Optimizing gut health and tending to the microbiome is often the first step to healing. The core of our mission is to restore balance to your body, and teach you how to continue supporting and nourishing your body with high-quality food.

Why is functional medicine and nutrition important?

Now more than ever, we are seeing an increase in folks who suffer from internal imbalances. If the imbalances exist for a long time, they can have serious health effects that may result in chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, or autoimmune disorders.

A functional approach focuses on prevention by considering your diet, lifestyle, environment, stress level, and mindset.

Functional medicine principles urge us to identify the root cause of discomfort, rather than masking symptoms with medication, to naturally restore balance to the body’s complex internal systems.

How is functional medicine different from allopathic medicine?

Allopathic medicine is a powerhouse, and we believe that it plays a critical role in healthcare for acute care and emergency situations.

Yet, when it comes to long-term chronic conditions, the one-size-fits all approach of allopathic medicine often leads to pharmaceuticals to manage symptoms. 

Rather than masking symptoms with medication, functional medicine aims to find the root cause of health challenges and strives to find the best nutritional and lifestyle choices that will lead to long-lasting health and relief.

Functional medicine views the body’s vast networking system as a place to promote whole-body wellness. 

We believe that allopathic medicine is valuable and has its place and we encourage our client’s to have a team of health providers, including a primary health physician. 

Still have some questions?

Contact us. We’d love to answer your questions.