Lab Testing
Lab testing is an important part
of your wellness journey.
Lab testing is important to functional nutrition and holistic wellness because it uncovers hidden imbalances and can reveal the true origin of your symptoms.
We highly value the data and information provided by lab work, since it’s an efficient guide to restore balance—rather than relying on guesswork.
Understanding the root of dysfunction will allow us to create specific food, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations to restore your natural balance.
We also use lab testing to track progress, since identifying the problem and implementing a targeted plan are steps to help us achieve our end goal: improving your health by restoring balance from the inside out.
At Santé Health and Wellness, we use lab testing to get an accurate snapshot of your body’s chemistry and functions.
Then we can determine if your symptoms are the result of:
Microbiome imbalances
Food sensitivities
Environmental toxic exposure, or
Micronutrient deficiencies
Below, you can find a list of the leading industry lab tests that help us help you.
Featured Lab Testing
(but not limited to)
The GI-Map
We’ll use your GI-Map test results to create a personalized wellness plan to address your gut dysfunction.
Digestive issues don’t always present as digestive symptoms!
The GI-Map (Microbial Assay Plus) is a comprehensive stool analysis test that detects parasites, bacteria, fungus, and other pathogenic imbalances in gut flora. It also evaluates digestion and inflammation levels. Unlike other stool tests, the GI-Map uses state-of-the-art qPCR technology from one stool sample to help identify the root cause of your chronic discomfort.
Wheat Zoomer
We’ll use your Wheat Zoomer test results to get to the bottom of your sensitivity or intolerance to wheat and design a meal plan to repair your gut and restore your health.
Gluten- and wheat-sensitivity have been recognized as a leading cause of inflammation, weight fluctuations, and intestinal permeability (aka “leaky gut”) among other digestive dysfunctions. Many people suffer mild to severe symptoms such as cramps, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and bloating but don’t know that they are sensitive or intolerant to the unique proteins found in wheat and wheat products.
The Wheat Zoomer test detects your body’s reaction to wheat components, including both gluten and non-gluten proteins. It is specifically designed to detect autoimmune reactions so we’ll have a clear idea of how your body interacts with wheat proteins and compounds.
Dietary Antigen Test
We’ll use your Dietary Antigen test results to identify which foods are causing immune reactions and inflammation, and create a personalized plan to nourish your body with whole foods that are healing to your body.
Food sensitivities and allergies may begin during infancy or may be developed in adulthood. They’re often the result of both genetic predisposition and environmental exposure. Most often, food sensitivities occur when the gut has a lack of enzymes needed to break down certain foods, or can result from intestinal permeability. Food intolerances are often linked to chronic fatigue, arthritis, brain fog, headaches, digestive issues, and depression, and they may go undiagnosed for months or even years.
The Dietary Antigen Test indicates which foods are causing responses within your immune system by identifying antibodies that are present when the gut is sensitive or allergic to particular foods.
Organic Acids Test (OAT)
We’ll use your test results to address your vitamin and mineral profile and create a unique plan to modify your diet and alleviate your chronic symptoms.
Organic acids are chemical compounds prevalent in urine. They’re great indicators of metabolic functioning and can be used to identify a number of deficiencies of critical vitamins, minerals, and chemical compounds that are important to maintaining good health. Organic acid testing can also screen for overgrowth of yeast and harmful bacteria in the GI-tract and evaluates neurotransmitter levels.
The Organic Acids Test offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health. After addressing abnormalities, clients often report significant improvements like increased energy, regular bowel functioning, and decreased abdominal pain.
MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure)
We’ll use your MycoTOX Profile results to determine if you have been or are currently being exposed to mold toxins, identify which mycotoxins might be wreaking havoc on your GI-tract and immune system, and take steps to remove your environmental exposure and repair your gut.
Mycotoxins are toxins produced by fungi (like mold). Mycotoxin exposure typically occurs through food ingestion or airborne exposure. Mold is prevalent in the inner walls of buildings, ceiling tiles, basements, and can grow in virtually any warm, wet environment. Dietary mold is also prevalent in harvested grain and other common food sources. Symptoms linked to mycotoxin exposure include fever, asthma, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, insomnia, vertigo, anxiety and depression.
MycoTOX screens for eleven different mycotoxins (from 40 species of mold), which makes it the most comprehensive mycotoxin test available today. This test pairs well with the Organic Acids Test and the GPL-TOX Profile to offer a comprehensive overview of exposure to common environmental toxins.
GPL-TOX Profile (Toxic Non-Metal Chemicals)
We’ll use your test results to determine your exposure to environmental toxins so we can assess the damage, begin to detox your body, and restore your natural balances.
Whether or not you are aware of it, you interact with toxic chemicals every day through products like pesticides, household cleaners, and environmental pollution. Across the nation, increased exposure to non-metal chemicals has caused an increase in chronic illnesses like heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. Consistent exposure to chemicals (even the ones present in packaged foods and bottled water) can lead to chronic symptoms like decreased sex drive, unexplained memory loss, weight gain, and low energy.
GPL-TOX screens for 173 different environmental pollutants. It can determine mitochondrial damage and detect lower levels of chemical markers that other conventional tests often miss.
Micronutrient Testing
Evaluating your unique nutritional status at the cellular level will allow us to formulate a specific diet and supplement regimen to address deficiencies and nourish your body from the inside out.
Nutritional balance is key to optimizing wellness. Often, eating a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin is not enough to achieve long-lasting health, prevent chronic disease, and manage the aging process. Vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies have been scientifically proven to affect the function of the immune system and can lead to degenerative processes that cause discomfort, pain, poor immunity, and chronic fatigue.
Micronutrient testing measures 31 nutritional components like vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids.
See a test that you’re interested in?
Schedule your Initial Consultation today so we can identify
the root cause of your discomfort and create a plan
to restore balance: