How Does the Full Moon Affect Parasites?

If you have parasites, you may feel more symptomatic or unwell around the week of the full moon. If you find yourself feeling depressed, anxious, craving sugar, unable to sleep, with increased levels of pain in your body, diarrhea, constipation or general weakness and fatigue, it may be due to this period of higher parasite activity. The combination of less melatonin and more serotonin in your body during this time gives parasites a heightened ability to move around and cause issues.

What Are Parasites?

Parasites are organisms that utilize their host for nutrition and survival. There are three types that feast on humans: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites. Parasites thrive to the detriment of the infected person as they often rob nutrients from their host. Nutrient deficiencies and gut issues are common in people with parasites.

You might think, we live in a first-world country, parasites aren’t a thing, right? Unfortunately, that’s not true. Parasites have likely evolved with us and not all of them are bad, but when a body is weak they can potentially push the immune system into a state of imbalance. Many commonly used medications, such as Tums, can make people more susceptible to becoming a host to parasites due to reduced stomach acid from the medication.

Parasites are extremely stealthy and experts at hiding in the body. Most do not hang out in our bloodstream so testing blood isn’t very accurate. Conventional stool tests can give false negatives/positives, while more advanced DNA specific stool samples, such as the GI Maps, are much more accurate. Yet unfortunately, there is still no singular and comprehensive full-proof test for parasites. But if your symptoms ramp up around the full moon cyclically, that could be an indicator that you have a parasitic infestation.

Why is the Moon Relevant?

Your body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycle, and parasites are more active and reproductive coinciding with your circadian rhythm. During the full moon, we produce less melatonin, the neurotransmitter that helps with sleep and immune function. With lower levels of melatonin, your immune system doesn’t fend off parasites as well.

Serotonin, your “feel good” neurotransmitter, increases during the full moon. Parasites love serotonin, as it allows them to move more freely, reproduce, get stronger and feed. They also use serotonin to communicate and create biofilms in your body, so they can inhibit your immune system from getting rid of them. 

It’s common to deworm pets, cattle, and horses regularly, but not humans. Modern science and culture has forgotten what our ancestors have known for centuries - parasite cleansing is necessary for optimal health. You can see how the moon cycle impacts our health and why it’s the perfect time to evict these critters from your body.  

Disrupting parasite rhythms can be helpful for eradicating them. If you’d like to leverage the moon cycle and do a parasite cleanse, please contact Madeline to learn more about the protocol, cost and availability for a consultation. Or check out my favorite parasite cleanse from Cellcore here and use this direct code: WFZdhnSM to order the kit and get started on your own!


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